because mental health matters.

About Me

Names, Jade. Mental health Survivor, Warrior turned Thriver. 

I am so happy you are here. They say the first step to a happier, healthier life is recognizing the reality you don't want to entertain anymore and being in my world, is about taking that step, one moment at a time. 

Your mental health does not define you. Your condition does not define you. Your mind does not need to control your life, but rather YOU CAN control your mind, to in turn control your life & I am the living proof. 

So whether you think your 'too far gone', or the bullets loaded, or the disbelief is at an all-time peak, I am here to say: No Fucking More. 

I will fight for you, until you have the strength to fight for yourself, passing that light through the darkened minds to create a collective of stars so bright, society will burn their fucking eyes. 

Mental Love & Light x

Podcast episode.

Jade, who is impressively wise beyond her years, is now an inspiring advocate for mental health.

She has taken her personal experiences to create a space where mental health care is talked about for what it is: Insanity. She emphasises the importance of creating easily accessible mental health care where people, especially youth, can find help now, not after three months on a waiting list.

You can gain insight into Jade's experience through her self-published book, available on the new Insanity website: 🌐 Though there is a lot to love, Jade's favourite Dunedin activities include a relaxing walk through the hidden gem, Outram Glen, and grabbing some fish & chips with a friend at the beach. 🏞️🍟🌊

Have a listen today!